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Testimonies |
I'm sorry to have taken so long to contact you and give you my impressions of the "Unity Conference Day". I
thought the day was absolutely tremendous and spiritually, very
powerful. As I enclosed in my letter I must have been pulled in by the Lord's it was a very odd chain of events which led me to coming to the conference. And the result was to free me of an intractable problem of un-forgiveness which had resisted all attempts at solution over 5years. I would like to thank everyone
involved in organising the day and the Lord for turning up there, for he
certainly did. When I
arrived I felt a bit nervous because I wondered whether it was meant to
be only local, but I soon felt at home with the people there and well
able to praise the Lord even with unfamiliar songs. I felt sorry
for the little group demonstrating at the gate, because there was
nothing in the talks that they could object to, and very much that would
have been very helpful to them. Still I felt that the fact they were
there, showed something really powerful was going on inside. Personally
the effect on me was like dynamite- the Lord seemed to have freed me of
a problem of un-forgiveness that I had had for five years. In
the early 90’s I lost my baby. Like the
woman in the gospel, I had tried everything I could find to get rid of
the resentment, but nothing had succeeded, and I was feeling quite
hopeless about it. I didn’t know the conference was going to have
forgiveness as a major theme. I was part of
a group and had severed them for ten years and even though they knew,
and sent cads, no one came to see me, or rang me, not even to ask if I
was going to a conference where I attended regularly and gave lefts.
Time went on and no birthday cards, when the year previous year they
sent me one expressing undying love, and I could not understand why I
was dropped from the group. I was
extremely hurt and bewildered and for the next five years I could not
sit down and pray, the question immediately coming to mind “Why did
they do this to me?” I did not talk about it to anyone for three years, my prayer life had gone and my relationship with God seemed to be at an end. I did speak about it to people privately at any conference I went to. And each time thought I had forgiven and forgotten. When I went to the old prayer groups, all went well until there was some reference to love or community, at which I
become filled with anger at what I thought was the hypocrisy and would
leave as soon as I could. What got
through to me at your meeting was the story about the women whose child
had been killed and the assurance that God would see justice done-she
didn’t need to do it. I also think
the resentment had been so deep-seated it had attracted other grievances
to join it and I had become rather an irritable and offensive talking
person. I am not quite sure what changed at the Conference but the sting seems to have gone out of my memory and I feel I feel I have been freed of something rather horrid, I would picture it as along scaly beast, (a bit like the ‘Alien’). I feel ok about the other people in the group now, though there are a couple that seem to remain pretty distant with me, I thing this is on their side now. It’s sad that there has been no great reconciliation, but maybe the time for that will come, when the time and circumstances are right. I
am extremely grateful for your hard work and courage in pioneering this
work, I will pray for it to prosper.
Jones (Birmingham England) May
this be the first of many Unity Conferences in Birmingham. I'm
sorry I wasn't able to be here for the whole of it, and also sorry
that Fr. John wasn't able to be here today (Saturday). Many
thanks to all the organizers and speakers, especially Rev. Paul
Miller who was moved by the Holy Spirit to minister God's Grace.
King (Birmingham England) I
only attended the meeting on Saturday and noticed that after God's
Holy Spirit was breaking through. The
speakers were excellent as was the content of the message.
Holy Spirit ministered in a powerful yet very loving way. This
is the start of something 'Big' in God. Derek
Green (Birmingham England) Excellent
Conference on Saturday especially, did not attend Friday evening. Forgiveness
accepted. Ray Granner (Birmingham England) Congratulations
to the Unity Leadership and Music ministry who put on their first Annual
Conference, and God put His seal of approval on it, with many
receiving inner healing. This
must certainly clear away any doubts that God wanted this Unity
group started, and a further confirmation was the delegation outside;
some had come as far as Scotland to try and stop it. The talks were very enjoyable, enlightening and humorous, but at the same time serious enough to go deep. Many
Churches were represented with people coming from Manchester and
Surrey, looking
forward to the next one. Hope
to see more of you there.