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Vision and Mission Statement
Raymond & Dianne Russell Senior Founder Leaders
Denis Carlin Senior Leader & Music Director |
Unity Regional Coordinator India Rev. Chaitanya Kumar.Kali Regional Office India H.No: 5-375, Subbaraopet,Katheru, Rajahmundry-533 105 Andhra Pradesh. India. Tel: 0091 883 2463520 E-mail: cfd_min@rediffmail.com
Unity Regional Coordinator Ghana Rev. Davis Pentecostal, Boateng Jude Roman Catholic and Emmanuel Osei Methodist.
THE BEGINNING: For a few years the Lord was preparing the three of us, Ray & Dianne Russell and Ray Turner. In 1995 the Lord brought the three of us together, to put on a Pentecostal evening, this was the first time we had done anything together. A short time later in early June, the Lord spoke to Ray Russell asking him if he and Dianne would put on a Rally in the October of that year. At the same time the Lord was revealing to Ray Turner the same thing. In the July the Lord gave Ray Russell the theme, the names of the speakers and the format for the first rally; "COME DRINK OF THE LIVING WATERS" During this time the Lord was also speaking to Ray Turner with the same message, and saying that he would be sending him musicians and singers. (In May 2000 Ray Turner left unity to serve God in new areas.) In January 1996 the Lord gave us the name "Unity" and the words 'an ecumenical group serving in the one body of Christ' and revealed His vision for Unity.
Mission Statement, Vision and Foundation of Faith
VISION Unity’s
desire is to encourage and enable Christian of all denominations to work
closer together in one accord in order to enhance their mission
of proclaiming the Good News of Salvation. And to encourage all Christian denomination to fulfill the prayer of Jesus John 17: 22-23
To invite speakers from different denominations. To have a Conference with speakers from the Heads of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Pentecostal and Free Churches in England or anywhere in the world. Finally to invite the Heads of all the Christian Churches from around the world to come together in unity in the Body of Christ,
To serve God in providing the opportunity for Christians of all different denominations to come together as one body in God’s presence seeking healing in the areas of reconciliation, forgiveness through a series of Rallies, Monthly Meetings and Conferences in the Charismatic Praise and worship. These are held in Birmingham around the UK and around the world wherever God is calling us to go, and to set up Unity Groups based on our Mission Statement.
All speakers are Ordained Ministers, Lay Preachers and Teachers or people recognized by the different denominations.
All Unity members belong to a Christian Church, and are encouraged to stay in the Church and denomination to which they belong.
It is not, the policy of Unity to encourage people to change Churches or Denominations.
Unity is not a Church, Sect or has any Ministers, and it does not get involved in anyway in starting up churches or encourages other to do so.
of our Faith Is based on the Nicene Creed
BRIEF HISTORY about the leaders Raymond Russell: I was born in 1946, baptized an Anglican and attended a Church of England school. My father was an Anglican, my mother was a Roman Catholic. I left school and the Church at 15, I returned to an Anglican/Methodist Church in 1979. I met Dianne in 1967 and we got married in 1968, we have two children and six grandchildren and at present work full time as a printer. Both Dianne and I were confirmed in 1981 as joint Anglican and Methodist. From 1982 to 1994 I held various positions in the Church. They included Church Warden, 12 years in post, I was also Trustee and Chairperson of a Youth and Community Center, a member of the Church Finance Committee, a Deanery Synod and Pastoral representative and a member of the House of Laity for the Birmingham Diocesan Synod. In 1993 I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, then in 1994 I retired from all my duties to serve God as a Regional Officer with Dianne, for Flame Ministries International, Perth, Western Australia. Then in 1995 God called us to form Unity. In 2005 was elected to the Deanery Synod and in 2006 was also elected to House of Laity for the Birmingham Diocesan Synod. 2007 became a member of the Solihul Borough Churches Together Inter Faith Forum Working Party
Dianne Russell I was born in 1951, and baptized into the Church of England, I attended Church and Sunday school from an early age. I am one of ten children. Since 1969 I have been an active member of local Community Groups such as; Parent/Teacher Association, a member of the Youth & Community Management Committee, Church Council, Solihull Community Health Council. I was also a Church Warden and deanery Synod representative. In 1987 became a qualified S.E.N. for Learning Disabilities. At present I am a full time Assistant Home Manager caring for adults with server learning and physical disabilities. In 1991 I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, then in 1994 became regional Officer for Flame Ministries International with Ray. In 1995 was called by God to form Unity.
Denis Carlin Denis
as been in ministry for over 20 years, and spent 10 years with the Sion
Community. He is now a full time R.I. teacher in a Catholic school. Denis joined Unity in 1998 as our Music Director and Senior Leader along
side Ray & Dianne
Rev. Chaitanya Kumar.Kali Unity Regional Coordinator in India Rev. Chaitanya Kumar as been in full time ministry since 1993 and is President of The Church for Distant Ministries India. he as developed a network of more than 200 pastors and ministers whose only desire is to tell others the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. He was the first to Joined us as an Associated member in 2002 and after our visit to see him in October 2003 he became our first Regional Coordinator for Unity outside the UK.
Unity does not discriminate between Christians, none Christians, age, status, gender or nationality, it exists to provide the opportunity for all God's people to come together in unity and purpose, seeking a heart of forgiveness like Jesus and heart of humbleness to seek forgiveness. Unity does not permit in any way the interpretation or comparison of the Gospel, it does not need any other belief, philosophy or religion to edify or to validate its truth for the Salvation of Souls.
Unity is completely "Self Funding" so relies entirely on God's divine providence and the generosity of those who support us through their giving to help us spread the Word of God about RECONCILIATION, FORGIVENESS and UNITY amongst all denominations.
No one in Unity receives any payment; all monies are used for God's glory.
Unity Leaders and members come under the Authority of there parish priest the Anglican Bishop for
and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of
In March 2000 Unity became members of Churches Together in North Solihull.
Today God is at work amongst His people, renewing the call for unity around the world, in every Nation and
Christian denomination. And we in Unity are just a small part of this
great revival.
17: 22-23 I
have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we
are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent
me and have loved them even as you loved me. Ephesians
4: 3 Make
ever effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bonds of peace. Psalm
133 How
good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It
is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running
down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes. It
is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For
there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.