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Prophecies |
Today God is at work amongst His people, renewing the call for Unity around the world in every Christian denomination.
Come Out Rivers of Living Waters Gather in the harvest as One God's message to Unity and the broken Take down the Boundaries Message given to Raymond Russell Unity on 7th November 2002 Over the last 6 years the Lord as been giving me John 11: 43-44, and saying this relates to my Church. On November 7th 2002, Our Lord gave me this message.
'I am standing at the doors of my Church and calling in aloud voice 'COME OUT' Just like Lazarus was bound up, it has bound its self up in Rules, Regulations, Doctrines, Philosophy and Theology and a cloth covers my face. Lay down your differences and come before me in repentance and forgiveness and become one as the Father and I are one.
Prophecy given to Ray Russell Unity 25th January 2002
The theme for this year 2002 Rivers of living waters will flow down from Mount Sion into the valleys below, and all that stand in it's way will be washed clean, purified and will receive new life in union with my Spirit. This Living water will continue to flow through my Churches washing away all the barriers that divide them and bringing new life to my people.
Prophecy given to Ray Russell Unity January 2001
"Gather in the Harvest as One"
John 4: 35 'Do you not say, 'Four months and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! they are ripe for harvest. It is time to harvest the crop that was sown before you and gather in the people that are ripe to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The seeds of every generation that have been sown will be gathered in when the harvest is ripe. It is time for you to go out into the field's and Gather in the harvest as one.
Prophecy given to Kathleen Boyle (speaker) on the Friday night of the Unity Conference 28th September 2001
Hi Ray & Dianne, I believe I got this word for Unity on the Friday night of your conference but didn't get a chance to speak it. I meant to bring it on the Saturday and base my talk round it but forgot the paper. It's too late now but perhaps the word will give you encouragement to keep on going. My dear children, my dear, dear little children, my saving power will be released among you and through you. Each one of you are broken in one way or another - some of you many times over. What I delight in, is that you all acknowledge your pain. My children you know who you are in my presence. There is no pretense and I thank you for this; Therefore I will bless you. I will use each one of you in extraordinary ways to bring peace and unity to my church and to the world. Stay close to me! Bring the totality of your lives, your hopes, your dreams, your despairs, your pain and sorrows to me. Allow me to be God. I draw close to you and rejoice in who you are. I love your yesterdays, your today's, and your tomorrows. Make me Lord of the entire you and see how I can transform and animate your life. Don't hang back - don't feel you can cope on your own - Let ME in. Let me in to even the smallest, unimportant times. They are important to Me. I bless you with my Fatherly blessing. Take heart! I am with you always.
Prophecy given to Sue Lea 5th July 1998
The picture was of a hill, which was covered with rectangular hedged enclosures. The enclosures were small grassy fields/gardens and were surrounded by neatly trimmed and maintained privet hedges, which were about 4 to 5 feet high. Each enclosure had two gated entrances opposite to each other. Each of the enclosures shared its boundary hedge with neighboring enclosures, there were no gaps between them. In each enclosure were a few sheep placidly grazing. Then the Lord appeared in the picture, he was striding through each of the enclosures lifting each gate of its hinged and throwing it down, going in through one entrance and out the opposite one,
he was doing this systematically and with great determination and
purpose. Previously the sheep were unaware of their confinement because of the high hedges but now they
were following after the Lord and trotting out through the entrances of
their enclosures into others and mingling with other sheep. The Lord said this represents what He is doing throughout the Church denominations in these days. He is removing the denominational barriers so that His people can move freely on His Holy hill. The Lord said He is doing this now, but this is only the start, next He will tear out the hedges, roots and all, from around each enclosure, burning the hedges. These denominational hedges have
created privacy and ignorance maintaining them. When all the hedges are stripped away the sheep will mingle together and enjoy
the green pasture all over the hill. one flock and one shepherd who is the Lord.
Prophecy given to Ray Russell Unity December 1995
Son is the head of the Church and His body is made up of many parts, A leg cannot do what the eye can do, and the eye cannot do what the hand can do. The hand finds it difficult to function with out the eye to help it, but manages. Together they work in perfect unity to achieve the task. That is why there are so many different denominations serving the needs of my children. Separately they manage to do this, but with difficulty. This is why I am calling all my different Churches together in unity of one body in
My Son, so that they can work together in bringing all My children home
to me in glory.
On Tuesday 16th December 1999, the Lord spoke to Bobby Roddy while lying in bed, these are the words that he gave her.
A chain of people are gathering throughout the whole wide world, holding hands in unity, so their message can be heard. They want to free the third world from the massive debt that's owing , and distribute from the western world, where goods are overflowing. Oh why can't we have unity? Why can't we all be free? Why be unforgiving, let's all bow on humble knee. Let's be first to make a move, say sorry for our crime. Let's stretch a hand of fellowship and say, "your debt is mine". When Jesus gave his life for us, Barabbas was set free, He said, "do ye likewise, if you want to follow me". Be ye servant to the suffering and help to those in need, the naked, will you cloth? - the hungry, will you feed?. Oh why can't we have unity? Why can't we be free? Why be unforgiving, let all bow on humbly knee. Let's be first to make a move, say sorry for the crime. Let's stretch a hand of fellowship and say, "your debt is mine". One world, we are one people, all related Kith and Kin, yet our families are divided, and crucified by sin, by pride and un-forgiveness, resentment, fear and shame. Like Adam; we're resisting our portion of the blame. Oh why can't we have unity? Why can't we be free? Why be unforgiving, let's all bow on humble knee. Let's make the first move, say sorry for our crime. Let's stretch a hand of fellowship and say, "your debt is mine". The human chain will only be successful when we start to forgive within our families and love with all our heart. Then division within Countries and Nations will disappear, as we enter the year 2000, make it a true Jubilee year.