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Meetings |
7.30pm unless stated and are held in the parish hall St. Peter's Church Haywood Road Tile Cross B33 0LH
Unity meetings have often been referred to as a Prayer Group or Prayer Meeting, this is not the correct expressions of what we are. What we are is a group of Christians from different denomination with a desire for the Unity of Christ's body 'Not unification of the church.
The Purpose of our Meetings The first and foremost purpose of our meetings is to give thanksgiving, praise and worship to God and to pray for the Unity of Christ's body 'the Church' through Reconciliation and Forgiveness.
The Bible tells us that "God dwells in the praises of his people" and that He hears the cries of His people, so we do this in charismatic praise and worship. During this time as we come closer to God, the Holy Spirit moves amongst us stirring up the charismatic gifts. It is in this time that God can start to heal His Church and those that find it difficult to forgive or seek forgiveness. Unity’s
desire is to encourage and enable Christian of all denominations to work
closer together in one accord in order to enhance their mission of
proclaiming the Good News of Salvation. John 17: 22-23 It is only when we come together in prayer, praise and worship that the strongholds that keep us divided can be torn down.
Message given to Raymond Russell Unity on 7th November 2002 Over the last 6 years the Lord as been giving me John 11: 43-44, and saying this relates to my Church. On November 7th 2002, Our Lord gave me this message.
'I am standing at the doors of my Church and calling in aloud voice 'COME OUT' Just like Lazarus was bound up, it has bound its self up in Rules, Regulations, Doctrines, Philosophy and Theology and a cloth covers my face. Lay down your differences and come before me in repentance and forgiveness and become one as the Father and I are one.
Jesus prayed in John 17: 22-23 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be
one as we are one: May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that
you sent me and have loved them even as you loved me.
If you have the desire in your heart for Unity and feel that God is calling you then contact us or come along to our meetings and introduce yourself or email us at fiu@unity96.org.uk
Psalm 133 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
Today God is at work amongst His people renewing the call for Unity around the world in every Christian denomination. And we at Unity are just a small part of this great revival. In obedience to God's call we have been meeting every last Saturday of the month since 1997 praying for reconciliation, forgiveness and unity of all God's Churches in the charismatic praise and worship.
Sense 1997 we have held Renewal day's, Rallies and Conferences, with speakers from many different denominations preaching the word of God together. During this time we have heard of people being healed of their un-forgiveness and being reconciled. There have been emotional and physical healings also. This out pouring of God's grace and Mercy happens because people come asking for a heart of forgiveness and the humbleness to seek forgiveness.
We pray that Our Lord will deepen your desire for Unity (not unification) and continue to lead you by His Holy Spirit to a greater desire to come together in unity and purpose with each other, honoring and respecting each others traditions.
William Barclay in his book 'The mind of St. Paul' say's "Because every Christian is in Christ, there can never be disunity between Churches. Because every Christian is in Christ, there can never be a barrier" "The disunity of the Church would be solved tomorrow, if man realized that Christianity does not mean being in Church, but being in Christ".
Galatians 3: 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
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