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PRAYER GROUPS England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland If you have a Prayer Group you would like included , then click Add and give us the details and we will add you to this page. Examples of what kind of information required below.
There is no obligation for using this FREE service, but if you value our ministry please prayerfully consider your support.
North East, North West, Yorkshire & Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, South West, South East, London North West Cumbria St. Charles RC Church Kent Bank Road Grange-Over-Sands Cumbria Every Tuesday evening: starts with Exposition at 7.00pm, Prayer Group 7.30pm. Contact: Liz Lewis Tel: 015395 34017 Preston House of Christ Prayer Group House of Christ, Old School House, Private Road, Hoghton, PR5 OED. Prayer Night: Mondays 8pm. Contact Nos. Bernard and Connie Dixon. 01254 851062 Prayer requests, Connie Bernard: N.W.. Coordinator: Way of the Spirit Bible reading courses . The group is an ecumenical group, all Christians are most welcome to attend, and to fully participate in their gifting's in Christ. Email: geoffrey.pickup@virgin.net Yorkshire & Humber Harrogate St. Aelred's Church Praise Group Harrogate. Every Wednesday evening at 7pm - 8pm before the Blessed Sacrament. Contacts: Dolores Tel: 01423870789 - Maureen Tel: 01423871116 Email: r.omand@ntlworld.com
Leeds Diocesan Service Team Prayer & Praise at 7.30pm - 8.30pm every second & fourth Wednesday of the month at The Chapel Trinity & All Saints College, Brownbarrie Road, Horsforth Leeds. Contact: Pat Brown Tel: 01924 371559 Email: pat@patbrown70.wanadoo.co.uk
Sheffield Queen of Peace Prayer Group 3 miles from Junction 31 M1. Meet every 1st Monday in the month at 8pm - 9.30pm. Contact: Trish Steele Tel: 01909 560877 Email: patricia_steele288@hotmail.co.uk
West Midlands Birmingham Abbey Prayer Group (Charismatic): Abbey Community Hall Sutton Road Erdington Birmingham B23 Every Thursday evening 7.30pm. Last Thursday of month Healing Service. Contact: Kathleen Boyle Tel: 0121 681 6416 Email: Kathleencullenboyle@hotmail.com Shalom Prayer Group (Charismatic): St. Mary's Presbytery Vivian Road Harborne Birmingham B17 Every Wednesday evening 7.45pm - 10pm Contact: Mary McCourt Tel: 0121 427 5152 Joe and Cathy Email: joeandcathybarrett@hotmail.com St. Barnabas Upper Room Prayer and Praise Group (Ecumenical): St. Barnabas Church High Street Erdington Birmingham. Every Monday evening 'except Bank Holidays' 7.30pm onwards.Contacts: Ray Granner Tel: 0121 350 2363 Trudy Butterworth Tel: 0121 350 4162 East Midlands Stoke-on-Trent St. Teresa's Prayer Group (Charismatic and interdenominational) St. Teresa's Church London Road Trent Vale Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire. Every Mondat at 8pm - 10pm (Not during school holidays) Contact: Ros Powell 01782641869 South West Hemel Hampstead St. Mary & St. Joseph's Boxmoor Hemel Hampstead. Every Wednesday at 10.30am & 8.00pm Contact: Terry Attridge Tel: 01442 211845 or Lucy Chapman Tel: 01442 399378 Kidderminister Our Lady & St. Pius X Prayer Group Canterbury Road Kidderminister. Every Monday evening 8pm (after Mass 7.30pm) Contact: Heather Beame Tel: 01562 754437 Worcester St. George's RC Church Prayer Group Sansome Walk Worcester. Every Monday at 7.45pm - 8.45pm Contact: Meg Burnham Tel: 01905 352553 South East New Malden St Joseph's Kingston Road New Malden Surrey. Every Monday at 8pm (Praise, Teaching and Intercession. Contact: John Davis Tel: 020 8395 1368 Email: hopehaven.john@googlemail.com Hastings St. Mary Star of the Sea Prayer Group. Basement of Presbytery 1 High Street Hasting Sussex. Every Tuesday at 8pm - 9pm. Contact: Mary Tel: 01424 426289 Windlesham Siloam Prayer Group The link St. John's Church Windlesham Surrey. Every Tuesday at 8pm Contact: Jenny Balcombe Tel: 01276 451228 Email: jenny.balcombe@btinternet.com Southampton Wellspring Prayer Group (Charismatic) St Edmund's Church, The Avenue, Southampton. Every Tuesday at 8pm. Contact: Frank Capocci Tel: 02380 772868 Email: fcap2@btinternet.com