




Birmingham Conference       Day of Renewal      Newsletter    Prophecies    Link


Conference 2008 


Dear Ray

I just want to write and say thank you to you and Eric and everyone involved in making this year’s conference such a success. It doesn’t just happen without *obedience *inspiration *motivation * teamwork * planning * stamina etc, etc.

It was awesome! I can’t wait to return for the next installment. Though I’ve had doubts and worries, so many chooses and hymns have come flooding in! Praise the Lord! And all over the weekend the word HOPE keeps appearing.

Last year soon after my return from conference a Catholic friend contacted me (we worked together for over 20 years!) This year an Anglo-Catholic friend I attended Church with wrote.

(10 years since we’ve seriously kept in-touch!)


God Bless Janet.


Dear Ray, Bob and all the conference committee.

I attended the Birmingham Catholic Renewal Conference this year and last year too.

I wish to thank you for all your work in organising and running the conference. It is run so efficiently. This means a lot of work by many dedicated people to give us the wonderful opportunity to share and grow in our faith together. I have been so blessed by the conference. It has been an Oasis of grace for me through the sacraments, praise and worship, talks and fellowship. The anointing of the Holy Spirit on the conference has renewed my faith. It has been lovely to meet so many friendly people at the conference too-as I came on my own. I enjoyed staying at the Paragon Hotel and I am going to write to the manager to express my thanks for a good stay with the helpful staff.

I hope to attend next year’s conference.

God Bless you all. Love Angela.


Dear All, (Birmingham Conference committee)

Thank-you sincerely for an amazing conference, your hard work and prayerfulness.

At the conference, I spoke out a prophecy/picture of scripture in the atmosphere. Since I have come home it won’t leave me and I felt prompted to try to re-create it. It is a pale copy of what I saw. This scripture was everywhere in the hall and over the peoples bodies. God bless and thanks again for all you do. Most of all thanks to God. Karen




Sr. Josephine Walsh

Group Talk "Surprised by the Spirit"

Kate the hotel ----- who took care of all our needs along with the staff grabbing a quick cuppa tea.

The lady talking to Bernard is Christina O’Driscoll who came for three day’s, she was so blessed and was a blessing to us all who met and spoke with her. Sadly passed away on the 31st August.

A special thanks to Linda Woodhouse for the wonderful painting of the theme of the conference which was a blessing to us all.


Thank you so much for the music ministry. I had to come this week if only to say Last November at the day conference in Harborne you gave a word and likened it to your giving up smoking. There is somebody here who is nice on the outside but dark on the inside and as I write you mentioned different types of chocolate.

I was a chocoholic and you couldn’t see any of my carpet. I’m afraid things went downhill and I am ashamed (because I haven’t changed in years) of the fact that I even had to tell my own sister not to come for Christmas the night before (Christmas Eve) Can you believe it, turning away your sister at Christmastime. Three weeks ago I was desperate. The Water Board needed to visit our road. Horror of horrors!. My little legs ran as fast as they could up to the local church, like a frightened child running to it’s mother.

I’ve beaten myself up for too long now. I know others have been praying for me, how do I know?  Because I am praying now and reading my bible and my concordance. I only hope I can continue in September. I know I’ve got an awful lot of growing up to do and responsibilities and decisions to make and a church where I can put roots down.  Everything Fr. Pat said answered so many questions. Praise the Lord! Aren’t we the lucky ones enjoying a wide spectrum of music! I love the recorder!










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