Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference Preliminary booking form for the 2010 Conference at the Paragon Hotel 9th to 13th August.
All bedrooms are en-suite and reached by lifts. Minimum deposit £50 per person. Will married couples please book a double room and if you are coming as a group please consider sharing a twin room with a friend as there is only a small amount of single rooms, this will help us to accommodate more people.
Please reserve me/us a bedroom for the Conference. Please tick: Single room [ ] Twin room [ ] Double room [ ]
Name: ..
Name of person/spouse sharing twin/double room:
Address: ..
Post Code: Tel. No:
e-mail address: ..
I enclose payment of £ .. Signed .
Please make cheques out to: BIRMINGHAM RENEWAL CONFERENCE. And return to Ray Russell BCCRC 27 Heathgreen Close, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham B37 6UH
Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference Preliminary booking form for the 2010 Conference at the Paragon Hotel 9th to 13thy August.
All bedrooms are en-suite and reached by lifts. Minimum deposit £50 per person. Will married couples please book a double room and if you are coming as a group please consider sharing a twin room with a friend as there is only a small amount of single rooms, this will help us to accommodate more people.
Please reserve me/us a bedroom for the Conference. Please tick: Single room [ ] Twin room [ ] Double room [ ] Name: ..
Name of person/spouse sharing twin/double room:
Address: ..
Post Code: Tel. No:
e-mail address: ..
I enclose payment of £ .. Signed .
Please make cheques out to: BIRMINGHAM RENEWAL CONFERENCE. And return to Ray Russell BCCRC 27 Heathgreen Close, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham B37 6UH